15th October 2017

Tankus the Henge recording…

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There are few better ways to spend a Friday afternoon than recording in Visconti Studio. This week we were delighted to welcome Tankus the Henge. The band were working with Adam, Sacha and Laura, engineers on our Visconti Studio Internship programme.

Tankus are a London-based band who draw on a diverse range of influences including rock ‘n’ roll, Gypsy and Balkan music, New Orleans ragtime and ska. Famed for their explosive live shows…

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…whilst visiting the studio the band showed a softer side, laying down a backing track for a ballad for their forthcoming EP. Guitarist Tim Fulker is also a Kingston University music graduate and it was great to catch up with him!

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Tankus the Henge are currently touring all over the UK and Europe – be sure to check them out!

More on Tankus here.